What does fairness mean to New Zealanders?

Crowd of motion blurred business people rushing in sunset light.

Join us in shaping a fairer future for New Zealand.

We are working in partnership with the NZ Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) and the New Zealand Treasury to better understand what New Zealanders think about fairness.

Share your ideas and vote on others’ contributions in an interactive online conversation called Pol.is. Explore the conversation as it develops and check back every few days to review and vote on new ideas. Your input will help us better understand what New Zealanders think about fairness. This is an opportunity for people who live in New Zealand.

Register here

The conversation started Friday 17 May and is open for three weeks.

Every participant will be entered into a draw to win one of three $100 Prezzy cards.

We want to hear as many different perspectives as we can. Please feel free to share this opportunity with interested friends, family and colleagues.

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