
We focus on health, social and environmental factors that influence people's journey through life, particularly maternal and child health.

Dr Felicia Low on Australia banning social media for teens


Play research highlighted during Play Week
We're pleased to see the importance of play being highlighted during Play Week Aotearoa 2024, and it’s great to see Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa recognising this through their Play Lab initiative.

Government funds food for additional 10,000 children in ECE
We're encouraged to see policy emphasising the critical role of nutrition in early childhood development.

Promoting resilience in children and young people
There is an urgent need to cultivate resilience in children and ensure they can safely navigate adversity say researchers at a think tank addressing child development.

Youth mental health decline demands action
Concern at a marked fall in measures of wellbeing in young New Zealanders has triggered a call for action to promote resilience particularly among rangatahi Māori, rainbow youth and young people living in poverty.

Someone is holding a baby who has sandy feet
Ending child poverty
Our country’s recent political reset presents an opportunity to tackle one of the biggest blights on Aotearoa New Zealand society: longstanding child poverty and its resulting intergenerational effects.

Koi Tū hosts MP for Child Poverty Reduction 
We were delighted to host Hon Louise Upston who spoke at the launch of our evidence brief on the need for early investment to reverse intergenerational disadvantage and inequity.

Early investment: A key to reversing intergenerational disadvantage and inequity in Aotearoa New Zealand


Knowledge Hub for Maternal and Child Health

We aim to help policy makers, healthcare practitioners, service providers and other decision makers reach evidence-informed decisions based on the latest available knowledge across all disciplines relevant to maternal, infant and child health.

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Our themes