Informing policy

Long-term thinking | Risk assessment | Evidence to policy | Science diplomacy | Trust in science
We inform policy to help to create conditions for society to thrive. We act as knowledge brokers by gathering evidence from multiple disciplines and domains and providing in useful formats for policy makers or civil society to make better decisions. We also study the science-policy-community interface to enhance how evidence is used in public decision making. Koi Tū is home to the International Network of Government Science Advice secretariat and the President of the International Science Council.

Ka hui te whare wānanga, ka rite te whare rūnanga.

When the wānanga-critical thinking is conducted, the decision makers take their place.


Close up of the ends of fibre optics
Science diplomacy and the rise of technopoles
During the era of increasing globalisation, science diplomacy was a key tool for addressing global challenges. Today, among fracturing alliances, the field must evolve.

Pacific Academy of Sciences launched in Apia
Koi Tū director Sir Peter Gluckman was acknowledged as an Honorary Fellow for his vision and initiative in establishing the Pacific Academy of Sciences, launched in Apia today.

Sir Peter Gluckman’s opening remarks at the Pacific Academy of Sciences launch

Flags of UN and EU stand in European council Building at Brussels, Belgium.
AI experts put forward the Manhattan Declaration


Our themes