Seminar – Visiting international expert Prof Karen Hussey

Woman in an augmented reality abstract space, interacting with the internet whilst wearing a VR headset.

Koi Tū is fortunate to have been able to host Prof Karen Hussey, Director of the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland, and Koi Tū international affiliate member, in early March.

Trained as a political scientist and economist, Prof Hussey undertakes research in the field of public policy and governance, with a particular interest in public policy relating to sustainable development. She will soon take on a new role as Deputy Director General (Environmental Policy and Programs) in the QLD Government Department of Environment and Science, with responsibility for the Great Barrier Reef, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, waste and circular economy, and environmental policy more broadly.

On 3 March Prof Hussey gave a seminar on Designing Policy and Regulation for New and Emerging Technologies: Risks and Responsibilities, which focused on:

  • Identifying the multidimensionality of potential risks and responsibilities
  • Understanding trust in emerging technologies
  • Developing institutional effectiveness to seize opportunities and manage risk
  • Highlighting policy, regulatory, legal and community mechanisms to facilitate the positive outcomes from emerging technologies while minimising social, cultural and environmental risks

A recording of the seminar is available here (courtesy of the Public Policy Institute).

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