
Dr Tatjana Buklijas

Associate Director – Academic

Senior Lecturer in global studies. Director of the Europe Institute

Tatjana’s research focuses on the challenges of climate change and energy transition for democratic politics. She investigates how democratic innovations emerging around the world are taken up and adapted to local circumstances. History and social studies of biomedicine, in which she trained, are her second research focus, in particular, the development, reception and political uses of epigenetics and developmental origins of health and disease. 

Tatjana has been a principal investigator for both domestic and international research projects. 

She teaches in the global studies programme at undergraduate and postgraduate level and has taught in science studies, history and philosophy of science. She is the director of the Europe Institute.

Tatjana welcomes enquiries from potential research students interested in social studies of science, deliberative engagement around science-related issues, the history of biomedical science and science communication.

Tatjana has produced a number of academic papers at Koi Tū. A full list of her publications can be found here.

Our people

Dr Anne Bardsley

Deputy Director

Hema Sridhar

Senior Research Fellow (Government Relations, Technology and Foresight)

Dr Tatjana Buklijas

Associate Director – Academic

Dr Kristiann Allen

Associate Director – Policy and International Engagement