New Zealand’s economic future: COVID-19 as a catalyst for innovation

by Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Arthur Grimes, Tim Maloney, Anne Bardsley and Sir Peter Gluckman

There is broad consensus that, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, New Zealand should aim to protect its social cohesion and promote our economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being. But how can we achieve these goals?

A new Koi Tū report, New Zealand’s economic future: COVID-19 as a catalyst for innovation is the seventh in The Future is Now conversation series, and assesses this challenge from an economic perspective. It argues for some longer-term adjustments to our economic model, including its diversification, expansion of the ‘weightless’ economy, and reducing the environmental impact of the primary sector.

Read the paper here

See also:

Other papers in the Conversation Series:

1st paper: The Future Is Now: Implications of COVID-19 for New Zealand (17 April 2020)
2nd paper: He Oranga Hou: Social cohesion in a post-COVID world (4 May 2020)
3rd paper: New Zealand’s Place in the World: The Implications of COVID-19 (20 May 2020)
4th paper: The Environment is Now (29 May 2020)
5th paper: Protecting and promoting mental wellbeing: Beyond COVID-19 (12 June 2020)
6th paper: The Future of Food & The Primary Sector: The Journey to Sustainability (17 June 2020)

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